Am angau'r groes mae canu'n awr

1,(2,3,(4)),5;  1,3,(4),5.
(Teilwng ydyw'r Oen / Y Gân y Nef)
Am angau'r groes mae canu'n awr,
  Bydd eto ganu mwy;
Pan gwrddo plant y gaethglud oll
  Mawr fydd eu canu hwy.

Dan bob cystuddiau fwy na mwy,
  Rhuadau cnawd a byd;
Mae nerth i'w gael mewn marwol glwy,
  I'w maeddu oll yn nghyd.

Trwy angau Crist daeth i ni hedd,
  A chymod yn ei waed;
A thrwy ei glwyfau dyfnion ef
  Caed inni lwyr iachâd.

Marwolaeth ein Gwaredwr mawr
  Sy'n fywyd pur i ni;
Fel gallwn roddi'r oll i lawr
  Yn gof am Galfari.

Pan ddelo llestri'r deml i gyd
  I Salem, fawr ei sôn.
'Fydd ofni dim; ond dyblu'r mawl
  Bydd pawb i Dduw a'r Oen.
llestri'r deml i gyd :: 'r seintiau adref oll
'Fydd ofni dim :: Ni(d) ofni mwy

1,3,5: Thomas William 1761-1844
2,4 : William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abridge (Isaac Smith 1735-1800)
Belgrave (William Horsley 1774-1858)
Farrant (John Hilton -1608)
Gloucester (Salmydd Ravenscroft 1621)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
St Agnes (John B Dykes 1823-76)
Tallis (Thomas Tallis c.1505-85)

  Boed dyoddefiadau pur y groes
  Mi dafla'm baich i lawr i gyd
  Wel f'enaid gorfoledda mwy
  Yn nyfnder profedigaeth ddu

(Worthy is the Lamb / The Song of Heaven)
For the death of the cross there is singing now,
  There will be again more singing;
When the children of the captivity all meet
  Great will be their singing.

Under every affliction more than more,
  The roarings of flesh and the world;
There is strength to get in a mortal wound,
  It clobbered altogether.

Through the death of Christ came peace to us,
  And reconciliation in his blood;
And through his deep wounds
  There is full salvation for us.

The death of our great Deliverer
  Is pure life to us;
Thus we can put all down
  In the memory of Calvary.

When the vessels of the temple all come
  To Salem, great his mention.
There will be no fear; but doubling the praise
  Will everyone be to God and the Lamb.
vessels of the temple all come :: saints all come home
There will be no fearing :: No more fearing

tr. 2010,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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